To the Residents of South Thomaston

Please be advised that when Town Meeting is conducted, there will be two questions about electing local officials on the Warrant. One is for an open Select Board position and the other is for an open School Board position. Both are for a term of three years. No individuals took out and returned papers to become official “nominees” for these positions, so we will have a write-in only determination at Town Meeting.

If you are interested in serving in either of these capacities but don’t know what the workload, time commitment and or responsibilities are, please feel free to contact the Town Office. We will provide you with information that will be helpful.

If you determine that you do want to be considered as a write-in for either position, and in an effort to have the citizens be better educated on their potential options, we would like to help you get the word out! Anyone seriously considering being a write-in can email the Town Administrator with their name, brief bio of experience and a short statement on why you think you deserve the citizenries trust and confidence by a vote and we will post that information on the Town Website.

Please contact [email protected] on this and he will help you out.

All the best,

Team South Thomaston