Flu Clinic- South Thomaston Town Office Community Room
The Town of South Thomaston will be hosting a Flu Clinic on Tuesday, November 19th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The clinic will take place in the Town Office…
P: 207-596-6584
The Town of South Thomaston will be hosting a Flu Clinic on Tuesday, November 19th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The clinic will take place in the Town Office…
To: Citizens of South Thomaston Fr: The South Thomaston Selectboard Subj: FY2019 Tax Rate Date July 31, 2019 On July 31, the Selectboard met with the Town’s Assessors agent to…
Help Wanted South Thomaston’s representative position on the RSU13 School Board has been vacant since April of this year. During this time Ashpoint School 5th graders have moved to the…
The Town of South Thomaston, in conjunction with the Town’s Gilford Butler Futures (Committee) and RSU 13, will be hosting a community potluck at the Gilford Butler School. The event,…
GEORGES RIVER REGIONAL SHELLFISH MANAGEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE ____________________________________________________ Administrative Town: Town of Thomaston P.O. Box 299, 170 Main St./ Thomaston, ME 04861-0299 (207)354-6107 / (207)354-2132 (Fax) SURPLUS RESIDENT COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH…
Beginning October 1, 2018, new two-year stickers will be going on sale for the years 2019 and 2020. Current stickers expire December 31, 2018. The new stickers will only be…